We Are Heartland.
Our Mission
Our mission at Heartland Assisted Living is to not only maintain but to improve our residents’ quality of life by addressing each individual’s physical, social, and mental needs. We believe that the relationships built between our residents, the staff, and our farm animals provide a positive foundation to build our home.
Meet The Owner
Heartland owner Deane Shanander with his dog Buddy.
Deane Shanander grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He practiced law in Los Angeles, California for nearly two decades before realizing that he had a different calling in life. As Deane recalls, the memory of his grandma became his guiding light:
I admire my grandma–she was an amazing, strong, independent woman, widowed by my grandfather some years earlier. We spoke frequently and spent every Thanksgiving together. Then, in December 2010, my grandma called me late one Saturday and asked for help for the first time ever. As soon as I hung up the phone I was on the first plane to see her.
On arrival, I learned that grandma could no longer live on her own without assistance. I spent the following days looking for a new home with her. If you’ve ever done the same for a beloved family member, you know the sinking feeling in your heart when you see the sterile, clinical walls of most assisted living facilities. During that time we met Nellie, the owner of a small assisted living facility, and everything changed. Nellie’s home was literally a breath of fresh air and head and shoulders above the rest.
I realized that my next pursuit would be to provide that same feeling I had when I entered Nellie’s home. I bought Heartland to provide more than just a place to live, but to create an active and fulfilling home experience for residents to enjoy at all stages of their life. My grandma’s memory lives on in the quality of care and service provided to all the residents and staff at Heartland.